Chow Gar Hakka Praying Mantis Kung Fu School of Excellence offers a wide variety of membership options designed to fit your schedule and budget. From pay-as-you go to an all-inclusive monthly package, you're sure to find the best plan for you.
Membership Information
Package Details Pricing
Annual membership Annual Membership £50.00
Pay-per-month Ideal for students who are serious £96.00
MAX and want to train regularly 3 training (Per month)
sessions per week (12 sessions per
Pay-per-month Ideal for students who are serious-2 £68.00
MAX LITE training sessions per week (8 sessions (Per month)
per month)
Pay-as-you go Only pay for what you want. Ideal £12.00
for occasional training (Per session)
Private Private one-to-one. By arrangement. £POA
This is for serious students who want
to progress and really develop.