Q. What styles of martial arts are taught at the School?
A. The principal style of martial art taught is Tung Kong Hakka Chow Gar Naam Pai Tong Long (Chow Gar Hakka Southern Praying Mantis Kung fu), as well as Toaist Tai Chi and
Q: Do I have to be very fit to learn?
A. No. While a reasonable level of fitness is useful, it is not a pre-requiste for learning. The most important aspect is a willingness to learn, coupled with dedication and
commitment. If you have any health concerns about being able to participate fully in class sessions, you should discuss these, in confidence, with the school before commencing training. We can tailor
and develop a fitness programme if required - further details can be found here.
Q. Do I need to have previous martial arts experience?
A. No. A willingness and keenness to learn is the key aspect required.
Q. How much does each lesson cost, and do I have to be a member of the School?
A. Details of class fees and membership requirements can be found here.
Q. Will I require insurance or a licence?
A. The School has public liability insurance, and is affiliated to the British National Martial Arts Association (BNMA). Students can purchase individual personal insurance as part
of their membership if they wish. A licence is not specifically required.
Q. How do I go about arranging private lessons or one-on-one training?
A. Please contact Sifu Franklyn to discuss your requirements. Please be aware that due to demand these are strictly on a first come first served
Q. What sort of training/experience has the teacher/Sifu had?
A. Sifu Franklyn has 35+ years of martial arts experience; and 30 years experience in Chow Gar Hakka Southern Praying Mantis Kung fu. All
assistant instructors have a minimum of 10 years experience.